20 August, 2010

Act 4, Macbeth, Questions

Hots Questions on Act IV of Macbeth

1. The number three keeps cropping up in this play. Elaborate on this phenomenon.
2. The third witch’s attendant, Harpier, cries out that « ‘tis time. » What is it time for ?
3. Whatis the second apparition’s warning, and how does Macbeth misconstrue it ?
4. What is the third prophecy ?
5. Why won’t the spirits reveal Banquo’s destiny ?
6. How do the apparitions that Macbeth sees in Scene 1 connect with the patterns of impagery of the play ?
7. What does Macbeth learn from the appearance of the kings and Banquo ? What should he learn about the prophecies but does not ?
8. Compare Macbeth’s attitude toward murdering Macduff and his family with his attitude about murdering King Duncan.
9. How are the murders he is planning worse than the others ?
10.What kind of imagery do we see Lady Maduff use in Scene 1, and how does this imagery function ?
11.Unlikely characters are often clever and wise in Shakespeare’s plays. Why is it significant that Macduff’s son makes an observation about liars and swearers, when just eight lines earlier he had to ask what a traitor was ?
12.Who sent the messenger who tried to warn Lady Macduff ? Why did Shakespeare include this brief warning in the form of a messenger ?
13.In her speech which begins, « Whither should I fly ? I have done no harm…, » how do Lady Macduff’s ideas about herself compare with Lady Macbeth’s ?
14.How do Malcolm’s and Macduff’s attitudes differ ?
15.In what ways is Malcolm’s comment in line 16 ironic ?
16.What evidence in this passage displays Malcolm’s wisdom ?
17.Explain the imagery in Malcolm’s speech which begins, « Be not offended… »
18.What is Malcolm’s purpose in describing his own vices ?
19.Do Malcolm’s claims about himself seem believable ?
20.How does Macduff compare this failing with Malcolm’s first when he says, « This avarice/Sticks deeper, grows… » ?
21.How does the image in Act IV, Scene 3, line 110, echo those in Act 1, Scene 5, lines 48 and 49 ?
22.In Macduff’s speech which begins, « Fit to govern ! No, not to live…, » was this the reaction Malcolm was hoping for ? Explain.
23.What is happening in this passage, and what good news does Malcolm give Macduff ?
24.To which senses does Ross’s description of Scotland in lines 184-196 appeal ? How does the description help you envision the state of Scotland ?
25.What opinion of Malcolm does Ross have ? Explain.
26.Whom is Malcolm addressing when he begins, « Merciful heaven ! » ? What is his advice ?
27.What does Macduff mean by, « He has no children » ? What kind of imagery do we see in Macduff’s speech ?
28.Whom does Macduff blame for the deaths of his family members ? Why ?
29. What does the murder of Macduff’s family suggest about Macbeth’s state of mind ?
30.How would characterize Macduff based on his reaction to the murder of his wife and son ?
31.Find two passages in Act IV with images of sickness. How do these images relate to the conflict between Macbeth and Malcolm ?

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